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дайте блин наконец-то Просто ВТОРУЮ халфу. =)
Сообщение изменено Zitrixx от 2007-02-19 01:14:12
а где это всё посмотреть?
Бадаландабад :)
в сети, но пока не выложили
The Unknown Soldier
I am a Lizard King. I can do anything.
Новое скоростное прохождение Half-Life 2 за 1:36:57 (!)

Для тех, кто не поверит увиденному (а такие будут точно), вот описание всех финтов, которые использовались при прохождении:

Thanks for watching our speedrun. We had a lot of fun times and painful memories making this, and we're glad we have an audience to see it.

In case you think we timed our jumps too perfectly, know that this speed-run was NOT focused on timing jumps. For bunnyhopping, we used a simple macro which presses the button assigned to "jump" repeatedly, for as long as it is held in. This was done to increase focus on less tedious and more complicated tricks in the run, as well as to prevent people from doing silly things like making an in-game script with hundreds of "+jump" commands and binding jump to the mousewheel as well as 12 buttons on a joystick to stomp on. In case you're wondering, yes, the above method has actually been used before the macro was voted as an option.

This run is also not perfect. We have spent a long time trying to cut down on seconds throughout various maps, but some do have their weaknesses. Sometimes we may run into a pole, walk when we could have sprinted, or miss a teleport or two. Nevertheless, we spent a large amount of time finding revolutionary shortcuts and shaving off seconds, so it should at least be quite an undertaking to improve on this run significantly.

For this run, we began timing the moment we were able to move as per SDA rules, and stopped the moment we lost control. These times were the tram opening and the explosion of the portal, respectively. We clocked in for a total time of ~1:36:50, with an SDA time of ~1:37:03. We finished with 26 non-traditional segments, most of them due to the random and difficult nature of their content, for a total of 88 segments.

For every level transition we included a special _2.dem demo which is automatically generated while recording during a map change, to help bridge the gap between loading a new level and the autosave which occurs a few seconds afterward. However, they do not count as their own segment as they were not necessary and were only included for video continuity.

If you have any questions about how we performed the tricks shown in the video, read the HL2DQ Tricks text as well as the HL2DQ Questions Guide text.


In case you missed it at the end of the video, here's a list of the people that helped make or support the run over the course of it's creation. Thanks guys, and sorry if you weren't included, the old forums are down and are memory is only so good!


bandit5k (aka Minim)
Chomp (aka Chomp On This, emerica)
Ben 'nVa' Riley
Daniel 'o40' Lundgren

HL2DQ Founders:




New Site Admin:

Samuli 'Samppa' Ylikraka

Demo Uploads:


Technical help from Valve:

Martin Otten
Yahn Bernier (Yucca will assimilate you)

Video Work:


Previous Half-Life/Half-Life 2 Runs:

David 'marshmallow' Gibbons
Radon (aka

Special Thanks To:





This is the times as listed on the HL2DQ website ( The times are rounded down and do not include _2.dem times.
Map name..............Time (part times).....Runner....................Time saved
d1_trainstation_04....1:27.(0:20 + 1:07)....Max]I[muS-X...............0:09
d1_trainstation_05....7:30.(7:10 + 0:20)....Max]I[muS-X...............0:05
d1_canals_03..........1:45.(1:30 + 0:15)....Pincus....................0:37
d1_canals_05..........1:18.(0:37 + 0:41)....bandit5k + DaleLewill.....0:26
d1_canals_11..........1:28.(0:29 + 0:59)....Max]I[muS-X...............1:23
d1_town_03.................(skipped)..................................All of it
d1_town_05............2:40.(0:22 + 2:18)....bandit5k + Max]I[muS-X....0:20
Part I................44:33...........................................7:52

d2_coast_08................(skipped)..................................All of it
d2_coast_11...........0:47.(0:23 + 0:24)....Max]I[muS-X...............0:42
d2_prison_01..........1:34.(0:37 + 0:57)....Max]I[muS-X + suga........0:39
d2_prison_06..........5:36.(4:15 + 1:21)....suga......................1:11
d2_prison_07..........4:30.(0:33 + 3:57)....suga......................0:34
d2_prison_08..........7:54.(0:32 + 7:22)....suga......................0:14
Part II...............26:05...........................................5:41

d3_c17_08.............0:45.(0:16 + 0:29)....Max]I[muS-X + suga........0:13
d3_c17_10a............1:04.(0:50 + 0:14)....suga + Max]I[muS-X........0:11
d3_c17_10b............1:40.(1:33 + 0:07)....suga......................0:16
d3_c17_13.............1:03.(0:04 + 0:59)....Max]I[muS-X...............0:42
d3_Citadel_01.........0:28.(0:24 + 0:04)....Max]I[muS-X...............0:02
d3_Citadel_02.........0:45.(0:01 + 0:44)....Max]I[muS-X...............2:06
d3_Citadel_03.........0:42.(0:16 + 0:26)....|Z|Option + suga..........0:20
d3_Citadel_04.........0:32.(0:14 + 0:18)....suga + Max]I[muS-X........0:45
Part III..............24:37...........................................8:37

Total time............1:35:15.........................................22:10
This is a list of explanations for tricks found in the HL2DQ speedrun that casual viewers may not understand. If you have a question about something in the run, this is the place to look.

The tricks are listed by map and order of appearance. Not all maps are listed, as some do not contain any complicated or notable tricks that have not already been covered before it. You might notice I got bored and had a little fun with it, at the expense of humor everywhere, and I'm pretty sure it gets more and more disturbing as you go down. Further proof that I am slowly slipping into speedrun-induced paranoid schizophrenia.


Q.) How does he move so fast?

A.) This is a trick called "bunnyhopping" and is explained under the HL2DQ Tricks text. You will see a lot more of this, so get ready.

For this run, we used a simple macro which presses the button assigned to "jump" repeatedly, for as long as it is held in. This was done to increase focus on less tedious and more complicated tricks in the run, as well as to prevent people from doing silly things like making an in-game script with hundreds of "+jump" commands and binding jump to the mousewheel as well as 12 buttons on a joystick to stomp on. In case you're wondering, yes, the above method has actually been used before the macro was voted as an option.


Q.) Why did the guard disappear and reappear at the end of the hallway? Did the video skip?

A.) No, what you saw is called "teleporting" and is listed under the HL2DQ Tricks text.


Q.) Um, did I just see him walk THROUGH a guard?

A.) Yes, you did. The guard is pre-programmed to walk to an exact point, and Gordon passed that point before the guard did while ducking. Since the guard's only priority was to walk to the point at the time, he continued walking. Ducking helps Gordon to squeeze through easier for some reason, probably because his center of gravity is smaller and therefore easier to slip through the model of the guard, although that I am not sure about.


Q.) OK, first of all, that guy just flew on a can of paint. That's impossible. Cans don't fly!

A.) How do you know? Have you ever gone outside and tried to fly on a can of paint? It's quite relaxing. Also, this trick is called "flying" and covered in the HL2DQ Tricks text. You will also be seeing much more of this.


Q.) How is he walking on air? Is he standing on the telephone lines?

A.) No, what he is standing on is commonly called a clipbrush. It is invisible, solid, and designed to block the players movement, to prevent him from getting to icky places that the designers don't want him to go. Suckers.


Q.) Why did he jump so far forwards in the last map, if he was only going to run backwards in this one?

A.) At the end of each map is a trigger which loads the following map. You cannot advance to the next map without passing this trigger, even if the trigger is in an inconvienent place. In this case, the load trigger in the last map was ahead of the board I grabbed in this one.


Q.) Blah blah, "flying", right we got it. How am I even asking a question?

A.) Actually, I just wanted to note that the flying technique used to descend featured in this map is called "sailing" and is listed under the HL2DQ Tricks text. As much as you might not like it, flying is a technique, a skill, and NOT a glitch on par with "noclip". Sure, it's not traditional, but it is also not easy, and has many complex forms of itself to master.


Q.) Hey, wait just a minute! He skipped the crowbar... What gives?

A.) We saved quite a bit of time skipping Barney's dialogue, and as you'll see later, we didn't need it anyway. Besides, I have yet to see Gordon put that crowbar to ANY industrial use, and frankly, I don't trust him with it.


Q.) How did he roll up the wall? Is that like flying?

A.) Sort of. That is called "wallclimbing" and is described in the HL2DQ Tricks text.


Q.) I noticed he took no damage when he fell on that train. Where can I download teh hax?

A.) If you land on a sloped surface that is curved just right, you are able to slide down it without incurring damage. Sprinting helps. I'm not sure why.


Q.) That guy jumped from one underground tube to the next in a single bound! No fair, I can't jump that far.

A.) That is called "circlejumping" and is listed under the HL2DQ text. It also couldn't hurt to hit the gym a little, fatty.


Q.) Liek, that iz tottaly teh sped hax.

A.) What? If you bunnyhop on slime, such as the kind found on the downward ramp here and in the sewer on the last map, you essentially gain the same speed as a bunnyhop but without leaving the ground, accelerating you FAR faster than normal bunnyhopping.


Q.) How did you blow open the explosive barrel in the crowded hallway in one shot? It takes at least two, and that's just to light the thing on fire.

A.) If you hold in the secondary fire button, then hold in the primary fire button, and keep them held in, you charge the pistol. To fire the extra rounds, release the secondary fire.


Q.) When did Gordon become such an Olympic swimmer? All my guy can do is doggy paddle.

A.) This is called "speedswimming" and is found in the HL2DQ Tricks text.



A.) Is it just me or are you getting more and more idiotic? This trick is called "ladderjumping" and can be found in the HL2DQ Tricks text.


Q.) Ooh, I see what you did there. he tossed that barrel next to the airboat for good luck. Like salt, but with a barrel, and no salt.

A.) Actually, we thought we needed the barrel, but it turned out we didn't, and we never fixed the mistake.


Q.) After that big jump over the dam he lands right through a rock. Airboat noclip anyone?

A.) First of all, there is no such thing as "airboat noclip". Second, the rock isn't solid, as it is beyond the load trigger that you normally aren't expected to pass.


Q.) How did he open the big doors without going into the building? What did he even shoot at, I couldn't see anything!

A.) This is a trick first discovered by Marshmallow. What he is shooting at is an explosive barrel, which is the trigger that blasts open the doors.


Q.) The alarm always go off for me on this map, and the giant doors always close. What did he DO?

A.) This is the first example of enterclipping, as described in the HL2DQ Tricks text. There is a trigger at the entrance to the big open area, that if passed sets off the alarms and closes the doors. It is fairly thick, so finding a way to skip it was a bit of ingenuity on my part. I discovered that while in an airboat, the section of the airboat that sets off a trigger is near the middle, but not exactly in the center. There was actually more of the airboat that could be exposed to a trigger without setting it off in the FRONT of the airboat than in the back. If you tried entering the airboat while it was on the other side of the trigger while it was facing forwards, even with the maximum distance away from the airboat that it takes to be able to get inside, there was not enough room to avoid setting off the trigger. When I found how the sections of the airboat that set off triggers were divided, the solution was simple; turn the airboat around! And that's my story. Say, are you still reading this? A golden sticker for you!


Q.) I just saw him go through a WALL. I'm scared. Hold me :(

A.) Look, we haven't killed he's not a ghost. This is the second example of "enterclipping" found in the HL2DQ Tricks text. How convienent that it looks like Gordon fit through that tiny hole in the wall, though.


Q.) Hmm, he flew straight up. I thought flying was repeatedly jumping off of an object?

A.) I told you flying was complicated. "Climbing" is just one of several techniques available with flying, as detailed in the HL2DQ Tricks section.


Q.) Why did you throw every single item on the board off the map? What are you, obsessive compulsive?

A.) No way. What I was doing was getting rid of anything Dog will get distracted by when I took his toy away. If you take away his toy of the moment, he immediately finds something else on the map to throw around. If he has nothing else to distract himself with, you're able to throw the only toy left on the map to wherever you want, and get Dog to follow. Once the time limit was almost up, I grabbed the toy Dog was playing with and threw it near the dumpster, so when he had to run to the dumpster on the next part he wouldn't have far to go. I'm smart like that. Also, I did it so the voices would stop bugging me.


Q.) What health does he grab at the beginning of the map? I can't find any there.

A.) If a health kit (or any pickup item for that matter) is close enough to the wall, it's possible to pick it up from the other side.


Q.) How does he climb the wall so fast with a cinderblock? I read in the HL2DQ Tricks text that an object had to be cylindrical to wallclimb with it.

A.) If you were paying attention to the text you would have noticed bandit5k's alternative method for wallclimbing, discovered on this very map.


Q.) How did he fall all the way down that mine shaft without losing health?

A.) He lands on the side of the barrel at the perfect angle, sloping off of the edge and saving his life. This was a very random and difficult trick to do, as hitting the barrel just right is hard enough, let alone hoping that the barrel doesn't bounce or roll away once it hits the ground.


Q.) WTF! He bounced on a barrel and flew across the freaking map! Last I checked the rubber content of a metal barrel was somewhere between 0 and -1 percent.

A.) This is called "stuckjumping" and is described in the HL2DQ Trick text.


Q.) OK, now he hit the ground after a 70 foot drop and took no damage at all. What is the ground made of in this game, cotton candy and baby's breath?

A.) The small section of ground he landed on was sloped just right to "absorb" any impact he would have gained otherwise. This was mostly a matter of luck. Ask me a question like this again and I'll break both of your legs.


Q.) How does he go careening over the hill then?

A.) This is called "collision boosting" and is described in the HL2DQ Tricks text.


Q.) So Gordon can just pop into the air at random now? Does the HEV suit come with springs on the feet in this game?

A.) The first jump is thanks to an antsy rollermine popping out of the ground at the exact moment Gordon passes over it. The second is simply a collision boost against part of the bridge railing.


Q.) Gordon passes right through that police barricade, and I'm pretty sure he wasn't obeying traffic laws either.

A.) He duckjumps over it, not through it, and for once I think I agree with you.


Q.) How did he survive the fall off the cliff? He had 8 health... No uh wait, I mean it was a sloped surface, PLEASE DONT HURT ME! :( :( :(

A.) Actually this time the answer is slightly different. See Gordon's suit power go down as he scrambled along the cliff wall? If you sprint against a sloped surface, you can slow your descent and save yourself the pain of broken legs. Both of them. You heard me.


Q.) Wait wait, don't tell me. It's a gravity jump, and you can find it in the HL2DQ Tricks text. Great. But how does he go so high?

A.) Well it was just a great gravity jump to begin with, but what you don't see very clearly between segments is that he careens off of the top of the hill to the left for extra height, then uses his horizontal velocity plus the sprint button to slide up the niche in the terrain.


Q.) And uh, that fall at the end there. Sloped surface...? *cowers*

A.) He survives by landing between two pieces of terrain that are too close together for Gordon to pass through and hit the floor, or something like that. There are some spots that you can fall between if they're tight enough that restrict all movement but ducking until you eventually slide free, but that also manage to remove all fall damage no matter what the height. Luckily the spot was small enough that after one crouch I was no longer stuck.


Q.) Why is he shooting random rockets and mortars at nothing? Is he easily frightened?

A.) Of course he is, why else would he be running away from all the bad guys? However, if the final video ended up re-cammed in this area, you wouldn't be asking this question. I haven't seen the video yet though. In fact, I haven't even played the game. I just make stuff up and apparently, you read it. In any case, I'll answer this one by saying that he actually DOES hit the gunship, but it is either behind a building or off-camera for those two shots. Satisfied?


Q.) Gordon never even killed the second gunship, so why did it blast open the wall?

A.) Maybe it just felt like being nice? It only takes 4 hits on the second gunship, after the first is destroyed, to open the wall. Don't ask me why. We don't make the game, we just destroy it.


Q.) How does he blast through that little nook in the beginning like that? When I duck I move so slow...

A.) It's called "crawljumping" and it is described in the HL2DQ Trick text.


Q.) Well then how does he slide so fast through the ripped gate? He's not jumping there.

A.) It's called "speedcrawling" and it is described in the HL2DQ Trick text. Aren't you getting sick of hearing this?


Q.) The gate opens but he never goes upstairs and presses it. Am I missing something?

A.) You're able to "use" items through walls in Half Life 2, including buttons, if you're close enough.


Q.) Why does Alyx teleport at the beginning of this map if he never "teleports" her?

A.) But he does, only in a different way. He places the ammo box where Alyx lands, so when she later tries to move, there is already an obstruction in the way and she automatically teleports to her destination. What did you think that crate was doing there, keeping her feet warm?


Q.) Apparently Gordon has the mentality of a three year old, because every time I see him in a speed-run, he's carving something moronic on the walls. Has he lost his mind?

A.) Gordon is mute, and he's always looking for creative ways to express himself. Like beating his name into a wall, for example. The crowbar is his brush and the world is his canvas, and if you don't keep your mouth shut about it you just might find "GORDON WAS HERE LOL" written in skull fractures across your forehead.


Q.) Nova Prospekt must have scared the wits out of Gordon, he can't even get up the nerve to raise his gun!

A.) It wasn't really Nova Prospekt, Gordon is just a sissy in general. Just look at the guy, he's got big ol' black wireframe glasses that just screams "emo".

Since I'm sure your just about sick of sarcastic answers though, here's the real scoop. Gordon's gun automatically lowers for all of d3_c17_01, as it is a dialogue sequence. Normally, after you leave the laboratory and the door closes behind you, the gun snaps back into "ready" mode. Unfortunately, we left the map too fast for the gun to fix itself. Ah, the trials of speedrunning.


Q.) So he gets to the big metal barrier and then, well, I don't get the relationship between big explosions and jumping higher. Any help?

A.) It's called "impact boosting" and you can find it in the... Actually, I'll let you figure this one out for yourself.


Q.) When he is flying on that little piece of wood, where exactly does he go? I've looked for a window there but haven't found one.

A.) That's because it's hidden. Don't ask me why, but until you go through it the window looks dark and static, like every other "window" on the building.


Q.) HEY! What's Alyx doing at the beginning of this level? She's not supposed to be there!

A.) Did you ever stop to think that maybe the problem isn't with the level, but with your face? Alyx just doesn't like you. We also suspect that Alyx joins your party in this level because we left her still a part of our party two maps before this one, and she never had the chance to leave.


Q.) What exactly is that giant black pistol you picked up out of that bloody mess?

A.) That bloody mess was Alyx, not looking her best. Sadly, the gunship murdered her before she ever made it up the stairs. Don't feel bad, she was just a tease anyway, but look at the sweet gun she drops! It's pretty much just a rapid fire pistol, but it looks nice. Finders keepers.


Q.) At the end of the map, Gordon launches himself to the top of the stairwell with an energy orb? How?

A.) This is called "orbjumping" and can be read about in the HL2DQ Tricks text.


Q.) So now Gordon can fall straight out of the sky on to a paved road and STILL take no damage? Maybe the CEMENT broke his fall.

A.) Well technically, Gordon was never actually falling for most of the object's descent. See "freefalling" in the HL2DQ Trick text to understand why.


Q.) HEEEY, you skipped the strider battle! Don't you kill ANYTHING in this run?!

A.) Not when we can avoid it, unless they die a funny, gurgly death. There are two triggers of interest at the end of the level. One that spawns Dog and Barney, and another that spawns the combine. To make Dog open the barrier, all the combine need to be dead. However, the trigger that spawns the combine never actually spawn the combine UNLESS the correct striders are destroyed. I found how to get around this quite by accident, but this is how it works. The combine are able to be killed early, but in the event that you refuse to do anything, they have a set amount of time to live before Dog takes care of them himself. If you hit the combine trigger and wait around this amount of time (approximately 9-10 seconds), THEN hit the trigger that spawns Dog, the combine timer has already ended and Dog assumes them to be dead. He will then open the barrier, effectively skipping the strider battle.


Q.) What's going on at the end there? I can't make out what's happening.

A.) That's because there is a trigger you have to pass at the end which calls the "fadeout" command; very annoying. The whole point of this procedure lies in the trick itself. You might notice that I end up OUTSIDE of the container on the next map. I found that if you enter the loading trigger on this map while carrying an object with the gravity gun, it forces you outside of the container, opening up the possibility of flying through the level and saving a lot of time. The only trouble was finding a method of touching the loading trigger, which is over your head and beyond the blinding fadeout trigger, while holding something with the gravity gun. I finally managed to prop the wood against the wall under the trigger, jump on to and off of the wood, then as I began my ascent (on a small jump, the trigger isn't that far above your head), I grabbed the object with the gravity gun before I hit the trigger. Problem solved.


Q.) How did you avoid falling to your death?

A.) We found that if you ducked while the object was underneath you and being held with the gravity gun, you will slide backwards along the wood. If this was done just as the wood was close to touching the ground, you were able to use the wood as a safetly slope much like the other damage-less landings.


Q.) How did you manage to keep your weapons?

A.) Since you are supposed to be in the center of the room at this point if you were dumped off by the container, the programmers didn't count on someone being right at the boundary where guns can be taken back into inventory. If you stand close enough to the forcefield as your guns are floating in the air, you're able to take all of them back again. Usually the device still manages to suck them out of your hands and make them useless, but sometimes, most likely a direct result of firing your weapon at the right time, the device fails to take them from you and you get all your weapons back.


Q.) Why did you go in the container all the way across the room? Why not the first container? Was it dirty?

A.) It's pretty self-evident I jump into the far container because it's closer to my final destination than the beginning container.


Q.) Why are you facing the wrong way the entire ride?

A.) It's a demo recording bug.


Q.) Holy crap, how did Breen die so fast?!

A.) Listen, Breen was old. Let it go.

P.S. If you hit the core three times with an energy orb, Breen dies.
Speed Swimming

Team Discoverer: Many
Description: Using the sprinting ability to travel faster in and under water.


If you hold the sprint button before you enter the water, you are able to keep your sprint even while underwater, until your suit power runs out.

Speed Crawling

Team Discoverer: DaleLewill
Description: Using the sprinting ability to travel faster while crawling.


If you hold the sprint button before you enter a crawl, you are able to crawl at faster speeds until your suit power runs out.

Bunny Hopping

Team Discoverer: Many
Description: Jumping continuously at accelerating speeds.


Jump while moving forwards, then jump again as soon as you hit the ground. If your timing is right, you'll gain speed. Continue doing this upon each successive jump.

Crawl Jumping

Team Discoverer: Many
Description: Jumping continuously while ducking to slowly decrease speed or speed through very small corridors.


Identical to bunnyhopping, but while holding the duck key. This does not keep, let alone gain, your previous speed as bunnyhopping does, and in fact it deplenishes your speed fairly slowly. However, it can take you through tight corridors like vents much faster than you ever could speed crawling, provided you have the speed to begin with, and there are no turns.

Circle Jumping

Team Discoverer: Many
Description: Jumping further than normal from a standstill.


The idea behind this is to increase your forward velocity both by sprinting and by using extra speed provided by strafing. Turn left or right from the direction you want to jump towards, and then hold in the strafe key that will now take you in the direction you originally wanted to go. At the same time, hold in the sprint and forward keys. After about a fraction of a second, quickly turn back toward the intended direction and jump.

Collision Boosting

Team Discoverer: Many
Description: Using speed and the slope of objects/terrain to propel yourself over and past obstacles.


Simply charge full speed into an object or terrain. With enough speed, you can use just about anything solid to collision boost off of. However, the best objects are slanted much like a ramp. The height and distance you get from it depends on the slope of the object.

Dale Jumping

Team Discoverer: DaleLewill
Description: Transportable collision boosting.


Carrying an object while bhopping, preferably something sloped like a barrel sideways, then dropping or throwing it at your feet at just the right time so you collide into the top edge of the object and achieve a collision boost.

Impact Boosting

Team Discoverer: Many
Description: Dramatically increasing velocity and/or height with the power of explosive weapons.


Take out a weapon that explodes, and fire it at the ground while running/jumping in the intended direction. If it is a grenade, make sure it is behind you, and wait until it explodes before moving away from it for maximum effect.

Gravity Jumping

Team Discoverer: Many
Description: Using the gravity gun to boost yourself vertically.


The simplest way to perform this trick is to stand on object, preferably flat, crouch, look down, and shoot the gravity gun's primary fire at the object. The object will rebound off the ground and throw you into the air. The height it gives you depends on the weight, area, your location on the object, and other such properties of the object. This can be done without crouching, and sometimes it helps to jump just as the object is rebounding off the ground for extra height, although this may end up stifling your jump instead.

Advanced Gravity Jumping

Team Discoverer: Max]I[muS-X
Description: Gravity jumping with the additional aid of more complex physics manipulation.


Same concept as gravity jumping, but simply more complex in it's use of physics to gain height. For example, some objects can be tilted off their axis by duckjumping on top of the edge of them, after which they quickly return to their initial state. You can use the added force of the object's edge trying to push itself up, on top of the rebounding effect from the gravjump, to propel yourself to even higher heights.

Other examples, such as gaining massive height from a gravjump off the airboat, involve standing on the edge of a bulky object, then firing the gravity gun at it sideways, so that the object is thrown perpendicular to the ground, simultaneously throwing the edge with you on it upwards violently.

Ladder Jumping

Team Discoverer: Pincus
Description: Climbing ladders at extremely fast speeds.


For reasons not altogether understood by myself, if repeatedly jump and crouch while on a ladder, it sends you hurtling up it. That's about it for this one.


Team Discoverer: DemonStrate
Description: Using HL2's physics against itself to repeatedly jump off objects and simulate flight.


When you hold an object underneath yourself, you end up standing on it. After about a second of this the game automatically makes you let go of the item. However, if you stand on an object while still holding it, and then immediately jump, you will jump off the object and the object will follow you to your new height. If you repeatedly do this, you will continue to gain height. With most objects holding in the forward button helps, as it maintains your place on the object, whereas otherwise it starts to come out from under you. Flat objects with a good amount of room for standing are easiest to fly with.

Flying (Climbing)

Team Discoverer: Lonerville
Description: Flying in such a way that you gain height and distance rapidly.


Normally if you hold in forward while flying without letting go for a certain amount of time, eventually you'll end up gaining too much speed and flying off and past the object. However, if the object is slanted in front of you just right, you are repeatedly jumping forward off and INTO the object, therefore you are not only kept from flying off the end, but you jump more rapidly, as you land on the object faster. This makes for a sharper climb in height and better speed.

Flying (Sailing)

Team Discoverer: Lonerville
Description: Using the crouch key while flying to descend or maintain a certain height.


If you simply stop bhopping while flying on an object, since you are standing on the edge, either the object will tip and not fall, or it will fall out from under you and prevent you from flying further. However if you crouch while flying on an object, and the object is held close enough that you crouch on it and not behind it, you stop bhopping and start to lose height. As long as you don't stay too long in this state, you are able to start flying again. This can be used to descend, to maintain a certain height, or to keep yourself from flying off the end of an object.

Flying (Hovering)

Team Discoverer: Lonerville
Description: Staying in one place while midair, using an object.


This trick can be achieved in two ways. One is simply to take a long flat object and fly without moving forwards. Eventually the object will slant enough that you are barely standing on it, balancing the jumping and falling enough that you won't gain any height. If the object has enough surface area, you're generally also able to teeter around the back edges, causing the object to try to adjust itself and remain in air.


Team Discoverer: Max]I[muS-X
Description: Using small and/or cylindrical objects to fluidly "roll" up a wall.


This trick is essentially the same concept as flying, but it is faster for gaining height than climbing while flying and can be done with small objects. Cylindrical objects work best and are preferred with this trick. The standard method of wallclimbing is to hold the object with the cylindrical, curved part of the surface facing the wall (this usually means holding the object sideways) at chest level, then to move toward the wall, and just as the object touches, to quickly jump forward and lower the object. If done right, instead of bumping up the wall as normal flying will do in this situation, you will fluidly "roll" up the wall.

Another method to use if the object is not cylindrical, as bandit5k discovered, is to jump over the object and shoot it with the gravity gun, giving it vertical velocity, then grabbing and bunnyhopping on the object up the wall.


Team Discoverer: Lonerville?
Description: Using an object while midair to lower yourself to the ground like a series of stepping stones.


If you stand on the back edge of a flat object with sufficient surface area while midair, without jumping, the object will slant underneath you and you will begin to fall. However, since the object is slanted you will land on it at regular intervals, therefore slowing lowering you to the ground without damage.

Free Falling

Team Discoverer: DaleLewill
Description: Falling while balanced on an object and landing without recieving any damage.


If you stop flying while midair on an object with enough surface area (usually better if it is long) and balance yourself in the middle, both you and the object will drop at the same rate. Since your gravity in HL2 is not relative to the "earth" but to any surface beneath you, you do not receieve fall damage once your object hits the ground. It is possible that your object may break, however.

Object Acceleration

Team Discoverer: Lonerville?
Description: Using the same method as flying to accelerate horizontally.


While flying, jumping occurs much more frequently as the "ground" you are standing on is constantly being pulled up to the same level as your feet. Consequently, you can fly while moving forward (from a standstill) to build up speed with bunnyhops faster, then duck and pull the object out from under you to resume bunnyhopping normally. This is only good for gaining speed for the first few seconds, before bunnyhopping normally would have been faster.

Super Turbo Up

Team Discoverer: Lonerville
Description: Using a special falling collision with a falling object to propel yourself vertically.


The reasons as to why this trick works is not understood. If you are climbing with an object, it is possible to "slide" past it by making yourself unstable, either naturally or using the strafe keys, resulting in both you and the object to begin falling at different angles and speeds. After doing so, although it is very rare, there is a chance that the angles of both you and the object you were flying on will intersect, and the object will touch you in such a way that for some reason, your character boosts upwards to significant heights.

This has only been done with a pallet so far, and upon collision, the pallet has been upright.

Orb Jumping

Team Discoverer: suga
Description: Using the force of a collision between an object and an energy orb to dramatically increase player velocity.


Although orbjumping has been known throught the HL2DM community for some time, this specific single-player rendition of a jump using energy orbs was first performed by suga, as inspired by a video called "Josh2High". The method involves first standing on a part of an object, where ideally the part of the object has small surface area but the object itself is large and heavy. Grab an energy orb with the gravity gun, and fire it at the object in such a way that the part of the object you are standing on is launched in the intended direction.

Alternatively, as demonstrated by Chib, you are also able to boost off of an enemy elite's energy orb, if you collide with it at the right angle.

Brute Acceleration

Team Discoverer: Max]I[muS-X
Description: Using the complicated properties of in-game models to launch yourself at tremendous horizontal speeds from a standstill.


This works best with a small object with a complicated model, such as a piece of a broken bottle. If you duckjump on top of the object and stay there for half a second, then try to jump, you may find you are stuck either under or in one of the jagged edges of the object. However, you are able to move fractions of an inch in your intended direction. Using this technique, you can jump fast and repeatedly with virtually no time taken to land back on the ground. What this results in is the added velocity of many bunnyhops in a very short amount of time.

Once you "jump" far enough away from the object that you are "released", release the duck button and resume bunnyhopping with the additional velocity. As a side note, sometimes you may be "crushed" doing this trick, either because you clipped the object or a part of you was trapped between the object and the ground.

Brute Launching

Team Discoverer: Max]I[muS-X
Description: Using a similar concept as brute acceleration to launch the player vertically.


When flying with an object, if you collide into a surface such that the bottom of the object is pressed up against the surface, there is a chance that for a short period of time both player and object will be stuck in that position without falling. In this position, the player is keeping the board against the wall, but some as of yet unknown dynamic is holding the player to the board/wall. It is believed that the player model is fighting to release itself from this adhesive force in the general direction of the velocity it was previously travelling in. When it is finally freed, it's fight with the board has amplified it's previous velocity in much the same fashion as brute acceleration. The result, if applied vertically, is the player is launched into the air.

Stuck Jumping

Team Discoverer: Pincus
Description: Using the game's clip prevention techniques against itself to transfer large amounts of force to the player.


In the unlikely event that a solid object passes through another solid object in the world, the game automatically tries to push the objects out of each other with tremendous force. The object continues to push until it is freed from it's faulty position. This is why you are sometimes "crushed" when accidentally clipping inside of objects while doing seemingly innocent things in the game.

To take advantage of this, it is possible to use forced animations, such as the closing of a door, the raising of a ramp, etc. to trap objects inside of the animated object, and deform both the physics of both objects. If the animated object isn't necessarily an object, such as a door, then only the regular object's physics will be deformed. When an object's physics are "deformed", it is holding large amounts of energy trying to push itself out, which can be transferred to the player when you touch it. For optimal height versus distance, it is best to duckjump into the diagonal of the object. Forces depend on both the size and shape of the object you are touching, as well as the way you touch it.

Gravity Flying

Team Discoverer: Max]I[muS-X
Description: Using objects held with the gravity gun to simulate flying using alternate methods.


So far this has only been done with one object, but there are others which potentially can achieve the same result. The object which was used was the holding container for prisoners in the citadel, found hanging high above at the beginning of citadel_03 and able to be grabbed with the super gravity gun. If you lay it on it's back, stand a little away from it on the end that resembles pincers, and grab it with the gravity gun, you will find that the distance the object is held away from you is far too short on this end of the object. It cannot penetrate you, so it scrambles wildly around your body as you continue to hold it, trying to find a stable place to rest (inside of you), and finding none.

It is very random, but it is possible to lower the object below you as it is doing this, and if you are lucky, it will be twisted below you in such a way that it's movements pull itself up. This action combined with very fast and repetitive jumping allow for essentially the same concept as flying, but far more limited. Because the object is constantly trying to adjust it's position while beneath you, you do not automatically let go of the object even though you are occasionally standing on it, as you normally would. It's benefits are that it is able to climb in a straight line, and at a faster rate than normal climbing with an object.

Enter Clipping

Team Discoverer: Max]I[muS-X
Description: Using the "entering" animation most common with vehicles to skip triggers and pass through walls.


When you enter something, a vehicle for example, the player model is not actually passing through the area between yourself and the vehicle, but disappears, and is replaced by the model of the vehicle for the time you are using it. When it shows you entering the vehicle, it is only an animation, nothing more. For this reason it is possible to pass through triggers upon entering a vehicle, provided the width of the trigger is smaller than the maximum possible width between the player and the vehicle upon a successful "entering".

Using the exit animation, it is similarly possible to pass through walls, but this one is trickier. There are small areas surrounding the vehicle which are designated to be spots where the player is able to be exited, and are checked to make sure these places are clear before a player exits. If one of these places is blocked, it will force the player to exit into one of the other possible exit locations. If ALL the exits are blocked, it will not allow the player to exit until they are free. To trick the game into thinking an exit is free when it is not, it is possible to violently change the position of the airboat, usually via midair crash, upon exiting the vehicle near a wall. This is actually how I first accidentally discovered the glitch.

There are other, simpler ways to exit through a wall, but these are dependent on the area. For example, in some places the vehicle naturally thinks an exit is free, but it is only by strange design of that specific terrain, and you end up being partway inside of a wall, after which you are automatically and instantaneously pushed to the other side.


Team Discoverer: Lonerville
Description: Blinking an NPC straight to it's destination while it is in path mode.


There are essentially three modes for an NPC to be in. We'll call them Stand Mode, Follow Mode, and Path Mode. The latter is the one we're interested in. This is the mode where an NPC is headed for a specific point on the map, and will continue to try to get there no matter what block it's path. For example, even if you completely block an NPC's path while it is in path mode, it may try to strafe around the objects for a few seconds, but it will eventually teleport on the other side or straight to it's intended point, depending on how long it was delayed.

Taking advantage of this knowledge, it has been found that holding or lowering an object over a "sweet" spot just above and in front of the NPC's head while they are in path mode, most easily when they have just begun moving, will trick the NPC into thinking there is no way around the object and instantly teleports the NPC to it's destination.
I say F**k a lot %) ICEICQ,IcePhone 19975
еще бы на русском, а то стоко читать на инглише влом..))
я не злой, я девственник!
судя по написанному, парень в видео летает, и проходит сквозь стены, используя все возможные лазейки, оставленные левелДизайнерами...
...а еще рядом с ним сидит еще один человек, и жмет на пробел)
я не злой, я девственник!
супер! всем смотреть профи)
I say F**k a lot %) ICEICQ,IcePhone 19975
я так и не понял, как в конце там на цитадель залез он..
Будет выпущен на волю живой огонь, скрытая смерть.
Зачотно он равенхольм прошёл
новое? вы что? я ето успел забыть уже )
Бадаландабад :)
смотрите, вот это кумар, его подстрелили, а он плавает по кругу

>>> смотреть смотреть
To rope
Это ж быстрей
Бадаландабад :)
Файл большой уж больно. Чувак рульно прыгает! )))
Удобно смотреть, фирокоформатка.
мальчик YAO
We Are In Space! People Can Fly!
Не могу никак пройти...выложите ролик прохождения...
Так же, как первый шаг к добру не делать зла, перв
To мальчик YAO
Смотрим тему:
мальчик YAO
We Are In Space! People Can Fly!
To Pawn
мальчик YAO
We Are In Space! People Can Fly!
блин что-то видюха глюченная, не запускается...
еть ещё?
Блин, как он так летает на предметах...
kill bill
Насилие не выход,все можно решить словами.
Сообщение изменено kill bill от 2007-07-30 08:00:34
kill bill
Насилие не выход,все можно решить словами.
Сообщение изменено kill bill от 2007-07-30 08:00:13
ICE ICQ 11721
Сообщение изменено UZVER от 2007-07-29 19:28:02
Perfect Vision
Так же, как первый шаг к добру не делать зла, перв
полный [censored]
Сообщение изменено Pawn от 2007-07-29 20:10:21
kill bill
Насилие не выход,все можно решить словами.
Сообщение изменено kill bill от 2007-07-30 07:59:53
Квантовая физика!
тока что посмотел...
мля ето ппц

ребята жгут
Квантовая физика!
рекомендую посмотреть прохождение квейка первого

вот это ппц полный
там 2/3 карт пройдено меньше чем за 30 секунд
Perfect Vision
To kill bill
А похоже больше на промт
Дайте погамать Халфу 2 ( не эпизод 1)
Мясная пельмень!
блин чел госу,я ржал иногда
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