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Стало официально известно, что Interplay на данный момент ведёт разработку MMO по вселенной Fallout. Проект получил название Project V13 (Vault 13 - бункер из Fallout). Интересным фактом также является то, что роль главного разработчика игры возьмёт на себя ответственность Крис Тейлор (Chris Taylor), человек, который ранее стоял у истоков создания оригинального Fallout'а. В Сети также открылся новый сайт компании.
blood tear, lunar light and silence...
Крис Тейлор (Chris Taylor)

оригинального Fallout'а

c просторов инета..

The company also announced that Chris Taylor, a game designer who was a part of the original Fallout game development team at Interplay in 1994, has rejoined the company. Taylor will serve as Lead System Designer for “Project V13,” the working title of Interplay’s next generation Massively Multiplayer Online Game (MMO) currently in development. Taylor joins other original Fallout team members on staff at Interplay’s internal game studio, which recently opened an office in Irvine, Calif. Additional development staff members continue to be hired as the project ramps-up.


Interplay начинает подниматься с колен. Если пару лет назад мы прощались с этой компанией и даже не думали, что она сможет выкарабкаться из кредитной ямы, то сейчас она пышет здоровьем и всячески демонстрирует активную жизнедеятельность.
Вчера наконец-то был запущен обновленный сайт Interplay. Естественно, что такое масштабное событие не могло обойтись без позитивных новостей. На страницах своего портала сотрудники компании сообщили, что гейм-дизайнер Крис Тейлор (Chris Taylor), приложивший руку к созданию оригинального Fallout, вновь присоединился к Interplay. Его нынешнее место работы в недавно открывшейся калифорнийской студии компании непосредственно связанно с новым MMO-проектом, который пока проходит под рабочим названием Project V13. Расшифровка Project Vault 13 кажется излишней, верно? Также в работе над новой игрой «следующего поколения» в постапокалиптической вселенной будут задействованы и другие известные личности, подарившие в свое время миру оригинальный Fallout.
Радуйтесь! Похоже, что Interplay удалось найти инвестора, заинтересованного в создании Fallout Online. А пока есть интерес – есть шанс, что игра доберется до полок магазинов.

Форум по v13 на сайте interplay

Project V13 FAQ:

Production and release details

What is Project V13?

Project V13 is the codename for an unannounced post-apocalyptic Massive Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game being developed at Interplay by Jason Anderson and Chris Taylor, two of the creators of Fallout.

While not officially announced as such, it is believed to be set in the Fallout world, an alternate universe based on 50s sci-fi pulp fiction, as if the world had stopped in the optimistic 50s and found itself on a dystopian post-apocalyptic reality. It will be a spin-off of the Fallout series, which includes Fallout, Fallout 2 and Fallout 3.

Is Fallout Online or Project V13 the official title?

No. Since no title has been officially announced, the name Fallout Online (or FOOL) is used by Fallout fans to refer to the possible future Fallout MMO. While Project V13 is used officialy by Interplay, it is a codename, not the final name of the game. The official title will be known after the game is announced.

What does "V13" stand for?

It likely stands for Vault 13, which was the starting location in the original Fallout. Vault 13: A GURPS Post-Nuclear Adventure was also the initial working title of what eventually became Fallout.

Is Fallout Online really in development?

The game has not been announced yet, however, Interplay has licensed the rights to a Fallout MMORPG from Bethesda and hired Jason Anderson and Chris Taylor, two of the creators of Fallout, to work on an unannounced MMORPG project, and since Interplay is working on only one MMO project, the project being Fallout Online is a pretty safe bet.

Who is making Fallout Online?

While the game has not yet been announced, since Jason Anderson and Chris Taylor, two of the makers of Fallout, has been re-hired by Interplay, it's fairly certain that the game will be created by Interplay's new development division.

Wait, wasn't Interplay dead by now?

After selling many of their assets, including the Fallout franchise, Interplay seems to have risen from the dead again. Among other projects Interplay has said it wants to develop are sequels to Earthworm Jim, Baldur's Gate: Dark Alliance, Descent, and MDK, provided it can find the financing.

But didn't Bethesda own Fallout now?

Yes, Bethesda Softworks owns the Fallout franchise now. In April 2007, SEC filings were made showing the purchase of the entire Fallout IP to Fallout 3 developer Bethesda Softworks for $5.75 million USD. While Bethesda now owns the rights to the Fallout MMO IP, clauses in the purchase agreement state allow Interplay to license the rights to the development of the MMO.

Will Interplay be able to raise enough money?

Specific requirements were stated in the agreement that if not met, Interplay would immediately lose and forfeit its license rights for Fallout. Development must begin within 24 months of the date of the agreement (April 4, 2007), and Interplay must secure $30 million within that time frame or forfeit its rights to license. Interplay must furthermore launch the MMOG within 4 years of the beginning of development, and pay Bethesda 12 percent of sales and subscription fees for the use of the IP.

On June 30, 2008, it was announced that Interactive Game Group, LLC (created by Frederic Chesnais, former Chief Executive Officer of Atari, which now also owns MicroProse) purchased 2,000,000 shares of Interplay stock, as consideration for entering into a game production agreement.

What if they don't?

On August 1, 2007, ZeniMax Media Inc., parent company of Bethesda Softworks, announced the creation of ZeniMax Online Studios. The division will be headed by Matt Firor, a well-known expert in the field of online gaming, and will focus on the Massively Multiplayer Online Game (MMO) market segment. It might work on a Fallout MMO in the future, if Interplay fails to gather enough money for their Fallout Online project.

When is it going to be released?

Unknown, since the game is yet to be announced. However, in order to avoid violating its contract, Interplay would have to launch the MMORPG before April 2013.

Is it made by people who made previous Fallouts?

In November 2007, Interplay reopened in-house development and hired Fallout developer Jason D. Anderson as creative director for an unannounced MMO. The game is most likely to be Fallout-related, given that he is the contact name of Interplay's jobs appliance and that Fallout is referred in the job requirements. On September 23, 2008, Interplay launched its new website and annonced that Chris Taylor has also joined the team. It is currently unknown whether any other developers of past Fallout games will also be working on this project.

Is this the same Chris Taylor who made Dungeon Siege?

No, there are actually two computer game designers with that name and they are often confused. The one working on Project V13 designed Fallout, Star Trek: Starfleet Command and Stonekeep. The other one made Total Annihilation, Dungeon Siege and Supreme Commander.


What is the character system? Is it SPECIAL?

No details about the character system have been disclosed yet, but it's very likely to be SPECIAL. Here's what Jason Anderson had to say about the character system:
True character development is another thing I would like to see improved. It seems like most MMOs have reduced characters to a grouping of stats and a configuration of skills. I don't want to go into details about my ideas at the moment, but I will say that I believe there needs to be a feeling that you are making choices in the world and at the very least I believe these choices should affect your character personally.

What will the playable races be?

The available races are not known, but known races in the Fallout world include humans, super mutants and ghouls. Mutant raccoons and furry talking deathclaws are much less likely candidates.

What will the playable classes be?

If the SPECIAL system is used, the character creation system is most likely to be classless.


Where and when is the game set?

The exact setting is unknown, although it can be presumed that the game will be set somewhere in the post-nuclear former United States of the Fallout world.

What is the storyline of the game?

Since the game has not been released, no details on the storyline have been disclosed. Here's what Jason Anderson had to say about MMO storytelling methods:
I think the core storytelling methods used in current MMOs could be improved on. A lot of the concepts of the worlds I've visited feel very convoluted to me. When you have a couple thousand quests that are given out sporadically, it is very hard to keep the story together. The story can easily get lost in the noise produced by the designers attempting to be creative with their quests. And this can make the world lack cohesion.

Are Fallout Tactics and Fallout: Brotherhood of Steel treated as canon?

Bethesda does not treat the events of Fallout Tactics and Fallout: Brotherhood of Steel as canon when developing Fallout 3 and it's very likely that the makers of Fallout Online won't either. There is no official word on that yet, though.

Is Van Buren treated as canon?

It is unknown whether the story of Van Buren, the cancelled Fallout 3 by Black Isle Studios will be treated as canon, although it is unlikely.
Сообщение изменено Groovy от 2008-09-25 20:58:24
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