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Фрязинских баскетболистов ждут в Лос-Анжелесе (1) 1 для печати | RSS 2.0
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Subject: Casting new TV show -- looking for RUSSIAN basketball players
Date: 30th June, 2011

I am Janelle Randazza, a casting director with Radical Media, a T.V. production company in Los Angeles. I am currently casting a new show for Budweiser called, The Big Time, where we are giving basketball players a *second shot* at playing with the NBA.

We are specifically looking for Russian players--ages 21 to 75--and we don't know how to find them! I noticed you work at the sports arena, and wondered if you had any tips on how to find these men. We would fly them to Los Angeles, CA for one week to give them a chance of a lifetime.

This is a great opportunity to give current and former basketball stars a second chance. We are currently looking for HIGHLY SKILLED players who want a shot at playing with some of the biggest names in basketball.

Please feel free to contact me with any questions, or to pass my email on to any players that might be interested. My email is You can also call at +1 978 590 0444. Our deadline to hear from interested candidates is July 8.

Here is more info on our show:

Thank you for your help!

Смысл такой: американцы не могут найти РУССКИХ баскетболистов для своего нового телешоу и спрашивают у меня совета. Срок до 8 июля.
Письмо похоже на настоящее, потому что отправитель реально существует - вот ее страничка
В общем, кто хочет в Америку - пишите этой дамочке. За последствия я не отвечаю.
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