Тема: "Ищу тексты (СПИСОК на стр. 70)" форума "Музыка" (Страница: 194 из 197)
Автор Сообщение
группировки ВМУ.............секс и скейтбординг
отправлено: 14-02-2004 15:46:43  
Уважаемые посетители темы!
Убедительная просьба, прежде размещения Вашего запроса на тот или иной текст песни воспользоваться поиском по теме (начата в 2004 году). Если на введенное целиком название группы и песни поиск не дает требуемого результата, попробуйте вводить частями, отдельными словами. Заранее благодарим за понимание.
Сообщение изменено РыЖ от 2007-09-05 19:36:09
★love me,don`t eat me
отправлено: 14-07-2008 00:36:39  
To darkShelest
♥ American Dream ♥
отправлено: 16-07-2008 10:35:42  
Ищу текст
Лепс и Аллегрова - Я тебе не верю.
ПОzZzИТИF ыыыыыы
отправлено: 16-07-2008 11:07:52  
To darkShelest
дипломированный модельер =Р
отправлено: 16-07-2008 14:16:25  
To Pin-up


В комнате темно cлишком, слишком
Много пустоты, я стал лишним
Некуда бежать, ты успела
Все мне рассказать, что хотела

Ветер за окном по привычке
Гонит облака, словно спичкой
Солнце зажигать будет небо,
И наступит день, где ты не был

Ирина и Григорий:
Смотришь мне в глаза, сколько можно лгать,
Проще самому сказать об этом.
Что любовь была перестрелкой душ,
Мне стало скучно!

Я тебе не верю,
Ты - сон вчерашний,
Который мне пророчит слезы.
Я тебе не верю,
Ты - снег зимы прошедшей, он давно растаял...

Я тебе не верю,
Ты - солнце, утонувшее в воде холодной.
Я тебе не верю,
Ты - все, что было у меня,
Но я тебе не верю!

Спрятались в лесах наши птицы.
Время разорвать, сжечь страницы,
Где про нас с тобой,
Где сумела стать твоей тоской без предела.

Ветер за окном по привычке
Гонит облака, словно спичкой.
Солнце зажигать будет небо,
И наступит день, где я не был.

Смотришь мне в глаза,
Сколько можно лгать,
Проще самому сказать об этом.
Что любовь была перестрелкой душ,
Мне стало скучно!

Я тебе не верю,
Ты - сон вчерашний,
Который мне пророчит слезы.
Я тебе не верю,
Ты - снег зимы прошедшей, он давно растаял...

Я тебе не верю,
Ты - солнце, утонувшее в воде холодной.
Я тебе не верю,
Ты - все, что было у меня...


Я тебе не верю,
Ты - сон вчерашний,
Который мне пророчит слезы.
Я тебе не верю,
Ты - снег зимы прошедшей, он давно растаял...

Я тебе не верю,
Ты - солнце, утонувшее в воде холодной.
Я тебе не верю,
Ты - все, что было у меня,
Но я тебе не верю!
roar %D
отправлено: 18-07-2008 00:34:56  
дайте, пожалуйста, текст
Frou Frou - Must Be Dreaming
если у кого есть%)
ॡ It's all®ight ॡ
отправлено: 25-07-2008 20:20:55  
Ищу -Underoath-Moving For The Sake Of Motion и ещё если укого есть -p.o.d.-let you down
Сообщение изменено radiator от 2008-07-25 21:33:36
дипломированный модельер =Р
отправлено: 26-07-2008 02:55:02  
P.O.D. текст песни Let You Down

No one knows what goes on inside of your head

And everything seems to be ok.

And your the same as you've always been (your the same)

If I'd listened, would you have talked to me?

I don't wanna Let You Down,

But I can't even pick up myself.

I only wanted to make you proud,

But I don't think I can do this anymore.

When did this crowded room get so lonely?

And everyone keeps looking at me.

I'm tired (so tired) of faking my life (faking my life)

I'm so tired, I don't wanna feel this way.

I don't wanna Let You Down,

But I can't even pick up myself.

I only wanted to make you proud,

But I don't think I can do this anymore.

(do this anymore)

And you mean more, You mean so much more

And you mean more, You mean so much more

And you mean more, And you mean so much more

And you mean more, And you mean so much more

I don't wanna Let You Down,

But I can't even pick up myself.

I only wanted to make you proud,

But I don't think I can do this anymore.
дипломированный модельер =Р
отправлено: 26-07-2008 02:56:17  
Define The Great Line (2006)
Текст песни Moving For The Sake Of Motion

Moving For The Sake Of Motion

Someone please turn the lights back on
I've been wandering here for days, disconnected, and in search for new air to breathe in

I don't think I can fix this
Don't think I could change

But that's the problem
We never speak to Him
Our closing walls have caged us in
And I can't quite remember

This was the first time I didn't say enough
This was the only time I kept it close enough

Brace yourself! They're not waking up

Oh, my god
I hate the me that I've become,
This needy useless forgetting one
Truthfully I can't be the me that I've washed up to be

Don't stop breathing
The walls have just begun to spin
Just let the water calm you this time
It's all around you, just open your eyes and take a look
It will never kill you; not this time

It's all around you
We're surrounded for all I care

Brace yourself right now
Lights out random breathing
I can't keep swimming, can't keep my head up
я поганый куст,ясно?!
отправлено: 26-07-2008 11:23:04  
Ищу Текст
White Hot Ice - Растаман
ॡ It's all®ight ॡ
отправлено: 27-07-2008 21:20:23  
To darkShelest
большое спасибо!)
я поганый куст,ясно?!
отправлено: 29-07-2008 13:49:39  
The Killers - When You Were Young - ищу
Ждите Солнца!
отправлено: 02-08-2008 14:03:52  

White Hot Ice - Растаман

1.White Hot Ice
Не нужна мне корона,
Принцесса и горы,
Растаман везде всё своё возьмёт
Что забудет - украдёт
Но время летело и солнце сгорело
Растаман везде всё своё возьмёт
Что недотлело подожжёт
И дым от тумана
И пара обмана
Растаман везде всё своё возьмёт
Чтоб не пропало он вдохнёт...
Алуйя, лаванда, решётка, баланда...
Растаман везде всё своё возьмёт
Что не своё, всё на себя возьмёт...

Ты нужна мне больше ночей
Откровение слёз моих
Тебе звёзды, нашивки,
Летят с небес паршивки, оу!
Ты зайдёшь опять ко мне в дом
Но меня давно нет в нём
Правда, неправда
Вкусна как баланда, ой!
Я ушёл, закрой за мной дверь
И забудь меня скорей
Кони в погоню
Ну где вам удалой я!

Мне не нужны ваши грязные
Была бы трава, да были бы папиросы
И верных друзей куча
С которыми лучше
Забивать коры под солнцем
На конце папиры
Под стиры запустить ещё один косяк
Табак - это вдраг
А мариуанна друг, драг
Как бы так сделать хорошо всем
Вот для растамана
Единственный проблем, ай, ай, ай...

3.White Hot Ice
Как клево с оттягом
Дать кулаком по морде
Растаману в милиции не везёт
Потому он туда и не идёт
От Тани до Яны
Лошадыми кантары
Растаману в любовных делах везёт
Каннабис он всегда для них найдёт
Все мазы, без мазы
Косули, газели
Гуляю по степи,
Я сирота-а-а-а-а-а!


The Killers - When You Were Young

You sit there in your heartache
Waiting on some beautiful boy to
To save you from your old ways
You play forgiveness
Watch it now
Here he comes

He doesnt look a thing like Jesus
But he talks like a gentleman
Like you imagined
When you were young

Can we climb this mountain
I dont know
Higher now than ever before
I know we can make it if we take it slow
Let's take it easy
Easy now
Watch it go

We're burning down the highway skyline
On the back of a hurricane
That started turning
When you were young
When you were young

And sometimes you close your eyes
And see the place where you used to live
When you were young

They say the devil's water
It ain't so sweet
You dont have to drink right now
But you can dip your feet
Every once in a little while

You sit there in your heartache
Waiting on some beautiful boy to
To save you from your old ways
You play forgiveness
Watch it now
Here he comes

He doesnt look a thing like Jesus
But he talks like a gentleman
Like you imagined
When you were young
(talks like a gentleman)
(like you imagined)
When you were young

I said he doesnt look a thing like Jesus
He doesnt look a thing like Jesus
But more than you'll ever know

Ждите Солнца!
отправлено: 02-08-2008 14:06:34  

Frou Frou - Must Be Dreaming

Pay close attention
Don't listen to me from now
George'll be flying this one
And it's anyone's guess how he does this
Is the right turn wrong
Universe taking me in full bloom
Fireball careful with that there
See what you made me do

I must be dreaming
Or we're onto something
I must be dreaming
For i don't fall in love lawlessly
I must be dreaming
Or pinch me to waking
So undeniably yours
As long as i'm losing it so completely

Incendiary glance
Be come and collide in me
Zoom in enhance hold
While i go helplessly sky high
Magic eye sugar rushing don't stop

I must be dreaming
Or we're onto something
Hey just watcha make me
For i don't fall in love lawlessly
I must be dreaming
Or pinch me to waking
So undeniably yours
As long as i'm losing it so completely

Euphoria i can't take any more of
Yah i'm losing it
roar %D
отправлено: 02-08-2008 14:14:02  
To MOrtego
О-о-о, спасибо огромное, Моть :-)))
Ждите Солнца!
отправлено: 02-08-2008 14:14:21  

АнДем - Безумный ангел

Я безумный ангел,
Я одинокий бес.
Я вынес факел
С грозных небес.

В небесной тиши,
Где тьма вся внизу,
Я душу свою
И здесь продаю.


Я не торгуюсь
И не пою.
Взор свой безумный
Я вниз отвожу


Через сотни миров
Через стальной небесный свод
Я прошел в этот мир
В поисках тебя

Одна душа на сто сердец.
Я не помню, кто я есть.
Толи ангел, толи бес сплелись.
Во мне навсегда.

Куплет 2:

Я устал, я пылал.
В клочья ноги разодрал.
Но моя мечта со мной
Была всегда.

Мастер - 33 жизни

Солнечным светом сердце сжег…
Так часто бывает - людям невдомек!
Все мы - чужие… Кто же здесь свой?
Ветер за спиной.

Тридцать три жизни вымолить мечтал,
Дали одну мне - спорить не стал,
Все эти жизни проживу в одной
С ветром за спиной…

Я ухожу от себя,
Я прихожу к себе,
Пыль отряхну с рукава
И снова - разбег.

Вверх по спирали тугой,
Вниз по чащобе глухой,
Воля моя на износ,
Я жив все равно!

Что бы ни случилось со мною на земле,
В небе отраженье находит по весне…
Ненависть нахлынет, грозой полоснет,
Боль любви вернет
Тридцать три жизни,
Тридцать три жизни...

Ждите Солнца!
отправлено: 02-08-2008 14:31:05  
Vern wolf

Atrocity - Let's Dance

Let's dance, put on your red shoes and dance the blues
Let's dance, to the song they're playin' on the radio

Let's sway, while colour lights up your face
Let's sway, sway through the crowd to an empty space

If you say run, I'll run with you
If you say hide, we'll hide
Because my love for you
Would break my heart in two
If you should fall
Into my arms
And tremble like a flower

Let's dance, for fear your grace should fall
Let's dance, for fear tonight is all

Let's sway, you could look into my eyes
Let's sway, under the moonlight, this serious moonlight

If you say run, I'll run with you
If you say hide, we'll hide
Because my love for you
Would break my heart in two
If you should fall
Into my arms
And tremble like a flower

Let's dance, put on your red shoes and dance the blues
Let's dance, to the song they're playin' on the radio

Let's sway, you could look into my eyes
Let's sway, under the moonlight, this serious moonlight

Atrocity - Aeon

We seeked for a new life we found places to stay
We came from aztlan a land far away
Over the ocean will we ever see
Our native country rising up the sea
We are the survivors keeping the heritage
The fruits of sins the wisdom of the kings

Hear our calling

Longing for a new home we found landscapes to stay
We came from atlantion an island far away
Bringing mystic culture all around the globe
People from the old world escaping the flood
We are the survivors keeping the heritage
The fruits of sins the wisdom of the kings

Forever calling

We built up a world of wonder we built it stone by stone
It will remain forever ever if we are gone

Hear our call

We are the survivors keeping the heritage
The fruits of sins the wisdom of the kings

Hear our calling
Forever calling

Atrocity - Don`t Go

Came in from the city walked into the door
I turned around when I heard the sound of footsteps on the floor
Love just like addiction now Im hooked on you
I need some time to get it right
Your love gonna see me through

Cant stop now dont you know I aint never gonna let you go
Dont go

Baby make your mind up give me what you got
Fix me with your lovin shut the door and turn the lock
Hey go get the doctor, doctor came to late
Another night I feel alright my love for you cant wait

Came in from the city walked into the door
I turned around when I heard the sound of footsteps on the floor
Said he was a killer, now I know its true
Im dead when you walk out the door
Hey babe Im hooked on you

Atrocity - Send Me An Angel

Do you believe in heaven above
Do you believe in love
Dont tell a lie; dont be false or untrue
It all comes back to you
Open fire!
On my burning heart
Ive never been lucky in love
My defenses are down; a kiss or a frown
I cant survive on my own

If a girl walks in and carves her name on my heart
Ill turn and run away
Every day weve all been led astray
Its hard to be lucky in love

It gets in your eyes
Its making you cry
Dont know what to do (dont know what to do)
Youre looking for love
Calling heaven above

Send me an angel
Right now

Empty dreams can only disappoint
In a room behind your smile
But dont give up
Dont give up
You can be lucky in love

It gets in your eyes
Its making you cry
Dont know what to do (dont know what to do)
Youre looking for love
Callin heaven above

♥...Любовь не вечна...♥
отправлено: 06-08-2008 14:48:55  
ищу текст Rihanna-Disturbia
отправлено: 06-08-2008 15:26:46  
To SKAska

Rihanna - Disturbia

Bum bum be-dum bum bum be-dum bum
Bum bum be-dum bum bum be-dum bum
Bum bum be-dum bum bum be-dum bum
Bum bum be-dum bum bum be-dum bum

What's wrong with me?
Why do I feel like this?
I'm going crazy now

No more gas in the rig
Can't even get it started
Nothing heard, nothing said
Can't even speak about it
I'm a light on my head
Don't want to think about it
Feels like I'm going insane

It's a thief in the night
To come and grab you
It can creep up inside you
And consume you
A disease of the mind
It can control you
It's too close for comfort

Put on your green lights
We're in the city of wonder
Ain't gonna play nice
Watch out, you might just go under
Better think twice
Your train of thought will be altered
So if you must faulter be wise
Your mind is in disturbia
It's like the darkness is the light
Am I scaring you tonight
Your mind is in disturbia
Ain't used to what you like

Bum bum be-dum bum bum be-dum bum
Bum bum be-dum bum bum be-dum bum
Bum bum be-dum bum bum be-dum bum
Bum bum be-dum bum bum be-dum bum

Faded pictures on the wall
It's like they talkin' to me
Disconnectin' phone calls
The phone don't even ring
I gotta get out
Or figure this shit out
It's too close for comfort

It's a thief in the night
To come and grab you
It can creep up inside you
And consume you
A disease of the mind
It can control you
I feel like a monster

Put on your green lights
We're in the city of wonder
Ain't gonna play nice
Watch out, you might just go under
Better think twice
Your train of thought will be altered
So if you must faulter be wise
Your mind is in disturbia
It's like the darkness is the light
Am I scaring you tonight
Your mind is in disturbia
Ain't used to what you like

Bum bum be-dum bum bum be-dum bum
Bum bum be-dum bum bum be-dum bum
Bum bum be-dum bum bum be-dum bum
Bum bum be-dum bum bum be-dum bum

Release me from this curse
I'm trying to remain tame
But I'm struggling
You can't go, go, go
I think I'm going to oh, oh, oh

Put on your green lights
We're in the city of wonder
Ain't gonna play nice
Watch out, you might just go under
Better think twice
Your train of thought will be altered
So if you must faulter be wise
Your mind is in disturbia
It's like the darkness is the light
Am I scaring you tonight
Your mind is in disturbia
Ain't used to what you like

Bum bum be-dum bum bum be-dum bum
Bum bum be-dum bum bum be-dum bum
Bum bum be-dum bum bum be-dum bum
Bum bum be-dum bum bum be-dum bum

~Have a nice trip~
отправлено: 06-08-2008 16:39:17  
Ищется, но не находится:
HELLO STRANGER - DEVIL'S HIGHWAY - из саундтрека к "Мои черничные ночи".
Щекотка-добывание смеха вручную...
отправлено: 07-08-2008 23:37:50  
Бесконечные Мысли - Здесь меня нет(feat.Джа,Стася) И помогите пожалуйста определить где чей голос))
Don't try to understand me, just love me...
отправлено: 09-08-2008 23:37:59  
To bonbooKa


I’m numb, but I can still feel you
Sometimes I’m blind, but I see you
You’re here, but so far away
The times when you are my miss
And you make me feel like I’m spinning
Sometimes you get what you gave

I’m on a course of collision
I’m not about to give in
Can’t explain my position
Or the condition I’m in
Where I am, there’s no limit, No walls, no ceiling
No intermission, So let the...
Let the party begin

Hey... Hey... All the way
DJ let it play.
Hey… Hey… Can You Hear Me?

Hey... Hey... All the way
DJ let it play.
Hey… Hey… Can You Hear Me?

Can You Hear Me? Can You Hear Me?
Can You Hear Me? Can You Hear Me?

Though you may not share my vision
I gotta make a decision
Do I go, do I stay? (Stay)
You’ve gotten into my system
You’re in control of my mental
I’m in a euphoric state (yeah)

I’m on a course of collision
I’m not about to give in
Can’t explain my position
Or the condition I’m in
Where I am, there’s no limit, No walls, no ceiling
No intermission, So let the...
Let the party begin

Hey... Hey... All the way
DJ let it play.
Hey… Hey… Can You Hear Me?

Hey... Hey... All the way
DJ let it play.
Hey… Hey… Can You Hear Me?

Oooow Oooow Oooow Oooow Oooow Oooow
Can You Hear Me? Can You Hear Me?
Can You Hear Me? Can You Hear Me?
Can You Hear Me?

(chorus x5-x6)

Rique, Enrique,
We did it again, did it again,
Mr. morales, Mr. morales,
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
Щекотка-добывание смеха вручную...
отправлено: 10-08-2008 21:00:11  
To Koluchka
True As Steel
отправлено: 15-08-2008 10:39:31  
ищу текст к песне "Return of the Warlord" группа "Manowar"
КАТенок в бане
Давайте жить дружно?
отправлено: 19-08-2008 19:43:00  
Ищу текст песни Lara Fabian - "Je t'aime"
Ждите Солнца!
отправлено: 19-08-2008 21:08:34  

Manowar - Return of the Warlord

Now the time has come when all is said and done
We're back together on the road it's time to fly
No more time to wait you know it feels so great
Wearin leather on a horse of steel I ride
I ain't waiting to get old I'm runnin hot I'm never cold
Kiss my ass if you don't like me I don't care
I got my wheels I got my friends we're on the road again
We're all crazy gonna ride until we die

Time to burn you losers better learn
No one controls our goddamn lifes
We'll do just what we feel riding horses made of steel
We're here to burn up the night

Losers try to put us down it's just another day
I got no money or big house just got life
I don't like to save it's more fun to spend
If you like metal you're my friend
And that bike out in the yard well that's my wife
Don't try to understand me my family never will
Had to punch my teacher out now he's chilled
I might stay in school or die in prison
Either way it's my decision one more beer and heavy metal

And I'm just fine

Time to burn you losers better learn
No one controls our goddamn lifes
We'll do just what we feel riding horses made of steel
We're here to burn up the night

We are the undefeated we're not living in the past
We're here tonight to kick some goddamn ass
Feel the power of the wheel lets drink to riding steel
Livin hard and ridin fast

Time to burn you losers better learn
No one controls our goddam lifes
We'll do just what we feel riding horses made of steel
We're here to burn up the night
Ждите Солнца!
отправлено: 19-08-2008 21:10:14  
КАТенок в бане

Lara Fabian - Je t'aime

D'accord, il existait
D'autres façons de se quitter
Quelques éclats de verre
Auraient peut-être pu nous aider
Dans ce silence amer
J'ai décidé de pardonner
Les erreurs qu'on peut faire
À trop s'aimer
D'accord souvent la petite fille
En moi souvent te réclamait
Presque comme une mère
Tu me bordais, me protégeais
Je t'ai volé ce sang
Qu'on aurait pas dû partager
À bout de mots, de rêves
Je vais crier

Je t'aime, Je t'aime
Comme un fou, comme un soldat
Comme une star de cinéma
Je t'aime, je t'aime
Comme un loup, comme un roi
Comme un homme que je ne suis pas
Tu vois, je t'aime comme ça

D'accord, je t'ai confié
Tous mes sourires, tous mes secrets
Même ceux, dont seul un frère
Est le gardien inavoué
Dans cette maison de pierre
Satan nous regardait danser
J'ai tant voulu la guerre
De corps qui se faisaient la paix

Je t'aime, Je t'aime
Comme un fou comme un soldat
Comme une star de cinéma
Je t'aime, je t'aime, je t'aime, je t'aime, je t'aime, je t'aime
Comme un loup, comme un roi
Comme un homme que je ne suis pas
Tu vois, je t'aime comme ça
Tu vois, je t'aime comme ça
КАТенок в бане
Давайте жить дружно?
отправлено: 19-08-2008 21:39:43  
To MOrtego
спасибо большое!
Без руля и ветрил.
отправлено: 20-08-2008 10:01:13  
Ищу Backstreet boys-"Beatiful woman" & "Clambing the walls")
Ждите Солнца!
отправлено: 25-08-2008 01:19:52  

Леди,в след. раз название правильно пишите.

Backstreet Boys - My Beautiful Woman

How can I begin to
Tell you what you do to
Me every time I hear ya
More willing to wanna see ya

I know that there's no use in
Tryin' to explain the confusion
But still I'm not complainin'
'Bout my situation

Let's not talk about a
Possible ending

The very first time that I
Was lookin' to be your fella
I found my inspiration
Hidin' in your expression
So I put myself on forward
For your consideration

Let's not talk about a
Possible ending
Let's not think about it
Every day
And I know
I'm so
In love
With you
I'm finding it harder and harder to breath
Every time I'm near
My beautiful woman

And so we put the top down
To take you drivin' downtown
I guess we'll know just what to do
When you're lookin' to fool around

It's too late to stop me
I know we're gonna get down

Let's not talk about a
Possible ending
Let's not think about it
Every day
And I know
I'm so
In love
With you
I'm finding it harder and harder to breath
Every time I'm near
My beautiful woman

My beautiful woman
My beautiful woman
My beautiful woman

B is for beautiful
as the sunshine
E tells me everything
is feelin' alright
A goes to U and me
swingin' it down
T is two
I want you
You've got me actin' like a ful

Let's not talk about a
Possible ending
Let's not think about it
Every day
And I know
I'm so
In love
With you
I'm finding it harder and harder to breath
Every time I'm near
My beautiful woman

Backstreet Boys - Climbing The Walls

Close your eyes, make a wish
This could last forever
If only you could stay with me now
So tell me what it is
that keeps us from each other now
Yeah, its coming to get me
You're under my skin
No I can't ever let you go
You're a part of me now

Caught by the taste of your kiss
And I don't wanna know the reason
why I can't stay forever like this
Now I'm climbing the walls cuz I miss you
Take my hand, take my life
Just don't take forever

And let me feel your pain kept inside (ohh yeah)
There's gotta be a way you and I together now
Yeah it's comin' to get me
You're under my skin

No I can't ever let you go
Your a part of me now
Caught by the taste of your kiss
And I don't wanna know the reason
why I can't stay forever like this
Now I'm climbing the walls cuz I miss you

It's an illusion how can I feel this way
(If I can't have you)
It's an illusion nothing is real this way
(If I can't have you)
No I can't let you go
Your a part of me now

Caught by the taste of your kiss
(I don't want to know)
And I don't want to know
The reason why I can't stay forever like this
(I am climbing the walls)
Now I'm climbing the walls cuz I miss you (oooohhhh)
I can't let you go no

And I don't wanna know the reason why
I can't stay forever like this (no no)
Now I'm climbing the walls cuz I miss
(I miss you) you

Без руля и ветрил.
отправлено: 26-08-2008 09:03:55  
To MOrtego
Да,была невнимательна.Большое спасибо)
отправлено: 26-08-2008 13:01:32  
просто так
Бумбокс (Boombox) Текст Песни: Та, что

Та, что была со мной, - где ты теперь?
На другой полосе? если можно, вместе все…
Та, кого вел домой, недавно вроде бы…
На работе я, на охоте ты…
Спорю с самим собой - чудак! ну давай дружить,
Как-то надо же жить - хлеб жевать, воду пить,
Болеть, глотать драже, комментить твой ЖЖ,
Настроение держать на восьмом этаже.

Знать бы хотя бы где ты, с кем ты,
Тепло ли там, я на твоей планете…
Слать бы тебе конверты, как Кай Герде,
Кубики изо льда прямиком в никуда…
Знать бы хотя бы с кем ты, да как ты…
Честно кормлю кота, поливаю кактус…
В гости к тебе идти по парапету
И не верить бреду, что тебя нету…

Хочешь знать, как живу, отпусти тетиву.
Наберу и сотру, напишу и порву…
Все на так себе лучше неплохо, плыву на плаву,
Нет, назад не прошусь, зазвонит - не проснусь…
С кем встречаешь весну? кто приходит во сне?
Извини, но я нет, не вернуть этих лет…
Вот опять этот бред, все спокойно, привет.

Знать бы хотя бы где ты, с кем ты,
Тепло ли там, я на твоей планете…
Слать бы тебе конверты, как Кай Герде,
Кубики изо льда прямиком в никуда…
Знать бы хотя бы с кем ты, да как ты…
Честно кормлю кота, поливаю кактус…
В гости к тебе идти по парапету
И не верить бреду, что тебя нету…
Офигевшая =)
Как тяжело взлететь,и как легко разбиться...
отправлено: 29-08-2008 16:29:10  
To Litty
зашла чтобы попросить текст,а тут ужо,да еще и просто так спасибки))))))
Сообщение изменено Офигевшая =) от 2008-08-29 16:30:43
...Almighty... (с)
отправлено: 18-09-2008 14:47:07  
offspring-pretty fly_ or a white guy
Сообщение изменено PrOd!DgY от 2008-09-18 14:47:20
=Dope Stars Inc= погрязла в синтетике
отправлено: 18-09-2008 18:03:42  
To PrOd!DgY
Pretty Fly (For a White Guy)

Give it to me, baby, huh huh, huh huh
Give it to me, baby, huh huh, huh huh
Give it to me, baby, huh huh, huh huh
And all the girlies say I’m pretty fly for a white guy

Uno, dos, tres, quatro, cinquo, senco, ses

You know, it’s kinda hard just to get along today
Our subject isn’t cool, but he fakes it anyway
He may not have a clue and he may not have style
But everything he lacks, well, he makes up in denial

So don’t debate, a player straight
You know he really doesn’t get it anyway
Gonna play the field, and keep it real
For you, no way, for you, no way
So if you don’t rate, just overcompensate
At least, you’ll know you can always go on ricki lake
The world needs wannabes
So hey hey, do that brand new thing

Give it to me, baby, huh huh, huh huh
Give it to me, baby, huh huh, huh huh
Give it to me, baby, huh huh, huh huh
And all the girlies say I’m pretty fly (for a white guy)

He needs some cool tunes, not just any will suffice
But they didn’t have ice cube, so he bought vanilla ice
Now cruising in his pinto, he sees homies as he pass
But if he looks twice, they’re gonna kick his lily ass

So don’t debate, a player straight
You know he really doesn’t get it anyway
Gonna play the field, and keep it real
For you, no way, for you, no way
So if you don’t rate, just overcompensate
At least, you’ll know you can always go on ricki lake
The world likes wannabes
So hey hey, do that brand new thing

Now, he’s getting a tattoo, yeah, he’s gettin’ ink done
He asked for a 13, but they drew a 31
Friends say he’s trying too hard and he’s not quite hip
But in his own mind, he’s the, he’s the dopest trip

Give it to me, baby, huh huh, huh huh
Give it to me, baby, huh huh, huh huh
Give it to me, baby, huh huh, huh huh
Uno, dos, tres, quatro, cinquo, senco, ses

So don’t debate, a player straight
You know he really doesn’t get it anyway
Gonna play the field, and keep it real
For you, no way, for you, no way
So if you don’t rate, just overcompensate
At least, you’ll know you can always go on ricki lake
The world needs wannabes
The world loves wannabes
Let’s get some more wannabes
And hey hey, do that brand new thing

...Almighty... (с)
отправлено: 19-09-2008 14:26:19  
To AgathA
Пасибочки :-**
Выросла репка большая-пребольшая.
отправлено: 27-09-2008 17:05:11  
morandi-save me
=Dope Stars Inc= погрязла в синтетике
отправлено: 28-09-2008 14:34:43  
To Astr@

Morandi - Save me

When I’m with you
Everything seems better
Now I know
I see it all today
We were mend to be together
I’m in pain when you’re away

Come on and save me
I’m loosing my touch
Day after day
Cause I miss you so much
Come on and save me
I’m loosing my mind
Waiting and waiting
For you to be mine

Come and save me
From me… me…
Come and save me
From me… me…

When I’m with you
Everything seems better
Now I know
I see it all today
We were mend to be together
I’m in pain when you’re away

Refrain 2x:
Come on and save me
I’m loosing my touch
Day after day
Cause I miss you so much
Come on and save me
I’m loosing my mind
Waiting and waiting
For you to be mïne

Come and save me
From me… me…
Come and save me
From me… me…

Когда я с тобой
Все кажется лучше
Сейчас я знаю
Нам было суждено быть вместе
Мне очень плохо когда тебя нет рядом

Приди и спаси меня
Я теряю свою трудоспособность
День за днем
Потому что я по тебе, так сильно, скучаю
Приди же и спаси меня
Я теряю свой разум
Ожидая и ожидая
Когда ты станешь моей

Приди и спаси меня
От меня... Меня
Приди и спаси меня
От меня... Меня

Когда я с тобой
Все кажется лучше
Сейчас я знаю
Нам было суждено быть вместе
Мне очень плохо, когда тебя нет рядом

Приди и спаси меня
Я теряю свою трудоспособность
День за днем
Потому что я по тебе, так сильно, скучаю
Приди же и спаси меня
Я теряю свой разум
Ожидая и ожидая
Когда ты станешь моей

Приди и спаси меня
От меня... Меня
Приди и спаси меня
От меня... Меня

Мы рождены, чтоб Кафку сделать былью.
отправлено: 28-09-2008 15:14:44  
I’m loosing my touch=Я теряю свою трудоспособность

=Dope Stars Inc= погрязла в синтетике
отправлено: 28-09-2008 16:51:26  
To hslr

перевод инетовский где и был сам текст)))
Мы рождены, чтоб Кафку сделать былью.
отправлено: 29-09-2008 18:46:18  
Ищу текст F.R. David - Words don't come easy to me
Мастер Преследования
отправлено: 02-10-2008 00:13:14  
To hslr
Words dont come easy to me,
How can I find a way to make you see I love you?
Words dont come easy.

Words dont come easy to me,
This is the only, way for me to say I love you,
Words dont come easy.

Well, Im just a music man,
Melodies are for my best friend,
But my words are coming out wrong.
Girl I reveal my heart to you,
And hope that you believe its true cause.

Words dont come easy to me,
How can I find a way to make you see I love you?
Words dont come easy.

This is just a simple song.That Ive made for you on my own;
Theres no hidden meaning you know when I,
When I say I love you, honey!
Please believe I really do cause.

It isnt easy, words dont come easy.

Words dont come easy to me,
How can I find a way to make you see I love you?
Words dont come easy.

Words dont come easy to me,
This is the only, way for me to say I love you;
Words dont come easy
Мы рождены, чтоб Кафку сделать былью.
отправлено: 02-10-2008 07:52:32  
To ШиК@
Выросла репка большая-пребольшая.
отправлено: 05-10-2008 12:05:45  
To AgathA
Vern wolf
Ад-место исполнения всех желаний...(с)
отправлено: 06-10-2008 19:22:18  
2 MOrtego
Спасибки большое за текстики
Vern wolf
Ад-место исполнения всех желаний...(с)
отправлено: 06-10-2008 21:11:10  
Ищу(и довольно-таки долго)текст и перевод Tyr - Torsteins Kvaedi.
Мы рождены, чтоб Кафку сделать былью.
отправлено: 06-10-2008 22:09:05  
To Vern wolf
Vilja tit lýða og ljøð geva mær, eg brøti av bragdartátti
Kongur ráddi for Nøriki, hann tøgva synir átti

Rennur og rennur foli mín
Grønari grund og vín bar reyða lund
Stig at dansa stund
Kátur leikar foli mín
Á grønari grund

Átt hevur hann sær tøgva synir, báðar kann eg væl nevna
Magnus og hann Torstein jall, teir kunna væl
Dreingjum stevna

Jallurin gongur for kongin inn og sigur honum frá
Nú er Torstein, sonur tín, kvittaður londum frá

Um hann vil av ríkinum fara, eingin skal honum banna
Hann kann ei síni forløg flý, sjálvur má hann tað sanna

Tað lovaði eg bæði faðir og móðir, tá eg í
vøggu lá
Eg skyldi ei ræðast tann heita eld
Ei heldur tað hvassa stál

Vargurin liggur í vetrarmjøll, staddur í stórari heyð
So er tann maður, í víggi stendur, næstan tolir deyð

Frúgvin var bædi studd og leidd, inn í sín faðirs veldi
Ljómin skein av akslagrein, tað skyggir av tignareldi

Nú er hetta kvæðið endað, tað man góðum gegna
Torstein tók við rikjunum báðum so við hvørju tegna

Норвежский не знаю, перевести не смогу. Да и вообще в англо- и русско-язычном инете никто смог -(
Без руля и ветрил.
отправлено: 08-10-2008 17:23:07  
ABBA-Lay all your love on me
=Pirates are cooler then ninjas=
отправлено: 09-10-2008 01:21:55  
To Овсянка

ABBA - Lay all your love on me

I wasnt jealous before we met
Now every woman I see is a potential threat
And Im possessive, it isnt nice
Youve heard me saying that smoking was my only vice
But now it isnt true
Now everything is new
And all Ive learned has overturned
I beg of you......

Dont go wasting your emotion
Lay all your love on me

It was like shooting a sitting duck
A little smalltalk, a smile and baby I was stuck
I still dont know what youve done with me
A grown-up woman should never fall so easily
I feel a kind of fear
When I dont have you near
Unsatisfied, I skip my pride
I beg you dear......

Dont go wasting your emotion
Lay all your love on me
Dont go sharing your devotion
Lay all your love on me

Ive had a few little love affairs
They didnt last very long and theyve been pretty scarce
I used to think that was sensible
It makes the truth even more incomprehensible
cause everything is new
And everything is you
And all Ive learned has overturned
What can I do......

Dont go wasting your emotion
Lay all your love on me
Dont go sharing your devotion
Lay all your love on me
Мы рождены, чтоб Кафку сделать былью.
отправлено: 13-10-2008 00:20:27  
Metallica - Unforgiven III текст
Сообщение изменено hslr от 2008-10-13 00:20:45
=Pirates are cooler then ninjas=
отправлено: 13-10-2008 22:13:22  
"The Unforgiven III"

How could he know
This new dawn's light
Would change his life forever?

Set sail to sea
But pulled off course
By the light of golden treasure

Was he the one causing pain
With his careless dreaming?
Been afraid
Always afraid
Of the things he's feeling

He could just be gone
He would just sail on
He'll just sail on

How can I be lost,
If I've got nowhere to go?
Search for seas of gold
How come it's got so cold?

How can I be lost?
In remembrance I relive
And how can I blame you
When it's me I can't forgive?

These days drift on
Inside a fog
It's thick and suffocating

His sinking life
Outside it's hell
Inside, intoxication

He's run aground
Like his life
Water much too shallow

Slipping fast
Down with his ship
Fading in the shadows

Now a castaway
They've all gone away
They've gone away

How can I be lost
If I've got nowhere to go?
Search for seas of gold
How come it's got so cold?

How can I be lost?
In remembrance I relive
And how can I blame you
When it's me I can't forgive?

Forgive me
Forgive me not
Forgive me
Forgive me not
Forgive me
Forgive me not
Forgive me
Forgive me
Why can't I forgive me?


Set sail to sea
But pulled off course
By the light of golden treasure

How could he know
This new dawn's light
Would change his life forever?

How can I be lost,
If I've got nowhere to go?
Search for seas of gold
How come it's got so cold?

How can I be lost?
In remembrance I relive
So how can I blame you
When it's me I can't forgive?

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